I took the day off today to spend with Mom and Grandma. It’s 7:25 so they are probably still sleeping away in their hotel room. We went to the casino last night for a little gambling and eating. I played $20 and won back $40 so it was a profitable evening for me. Mom and Grandma weren’t so lucky this time.

I have to say though that the Sault Ste. Marie’s Charity casino restaurant has gone WAY WAY WAY down hill. They used to have such a wide selection and had incredible roast beef and turkey dinners. Not anymore. I ended up having just a clubhouse sandwich and fries. Disappointing, but I used to recommend that restaurant as one of the best in town. Now it’s nothing special at all.

I’m not sure what’s on tap for today. Grandma said she wanted some time off to just be quiet and read. I really think she just wants Mom and I to get lost so she can go back to the casino and win her money back. hehehe

Monty let me sleep until almost 7am this morning! What is up with that!?! I loved it!

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